Deploying Responder =================== You can deploy Responder anywhere you can deploy a basic Python application. Docker Deployment ----------------- Assuming existing ```` and ``Pipfile.lock`` containing ``responder``. ``Dockerfile``:: FROM kennethreitz/pipenv ENV PORT '80' COPY . /app CMD python3 EXPOSE 80 That's it! Heroku Deployment ----------------- The basics:: $ mkdir my-api $ cd my-api $ git init $ heroku create ... Install Responder:: $ pipenv install responder ... Write out an ````:: import responder api = responder.API() @api.route("/") async def hello(req, resp): resp.text = "hello, world!" if __name__ == "__main__": Write out a ``Procfile``:: web: python That's it! Next, we commit and push to Heroku:: $ git add -A $ git commit -m 'initial commit' $ git push heroku master